March 25th, 2016 Presidential Update and State of the Union
Bottom Line Up Front? I am on the Trump Train! I took a hiatus from blogging after America failed to see the greatness of Rand Paul's policies. But hey, maybe what really is needed today is a political wrecking ball like Donald Trump! I believe that the Donald means what he says and he doesn't hold back his feelings. Donald's messages to the American people are heavily coated with how he feels and I think that resonates with a lot of us. Some of the stuff that comes out of his mouth makes me cringe and I bet his family does too. But he is a wrecking ball! I love that about him. One of the reasons why I am not buying into the media hype about Donald is that he has so many good people coming out to tell us that he is kind and charitable in his private life. People like Judge Perrine, Judge Napolitano, and even Geraldo Rivera have come out and publicly praised Trump.
Our nation is in dire need of a leader. Donald Trump is no Ronald Reagan, but he brings the same sort of powerful charismatic leadership to the table albeit quite a bit more bombastic!
The so-called GOP Establishment is doing everything in its power to prevent Trump from crossing the finish line (1237). These disgusting power-mongering false conservatives will do anything to stop Trump. I fear that anything means anything! These RINOs are now cozying up and endorsing Ted (who by the way is a total disgrace, more to follow on that later). Trump currently enjoys a commanding lead in delegates and by my projections should cross the finish line, or he will be very close (around 1200). If he fails to cross the finish line he's toast because the Establishment is packing the convention with RINOs who will vote for a RINO on the second and subsequent ballots. Poor Ted will be sent packing back to the kiddie table if he is successful in stopping Trump and the RINOs will coronate Jeb.
Note; It is also quite possible that the RINO Establishment may even go as far as changing the rules with respect to not only achieving greater than 1237, but they might say require anyone who received 1237 delegates or more to have one by >50% in x-number of states. If they do this that would release a large majority of the delegates on the very first ballot going in. These guys have lost their credibility and they are fighting for their political lives to remain relevant (can you say relevant so that the special interest money keeps flowing to their own accounts?!).
As far as 1237 goes, if Trump wins CA with 50% or more it's over.
Let's talk about Conservatism! So many RINOs talk about conservatism, limited government, balancing the budget and taking back America. Do they really mean it, or are they full of (fill in the blank).
Daddy Bush gave us the "Read My Lips" pledge. Conservative? No way.
Baby Bush gave us Iraq. He also gave us a huge expansion in the Medicare Pharmacy program. His lack of leadership and oversight of Fannie & Freddie was a disaster for this nation. These RINOs supported the Fair Housing Act that forced banks to pour billions into sub-prime markets. Then these banks sold the bad paper to Fannie & Freddie. In the end it is the American tax payer who had to pay the bill when Bush supported TARP. NOT A CONSERVATIVE.
John McCain? Opposed the Bush Tax Cuts and is a Globalist War Monger who is intent on going after Russia and Putin around the globe. Not only is McCain NOT A CONSERVATIVE, he's a very dangerous individual who needs to be put out to pasture (along with his pal Lindsay Graham).
Mitt "Mittens" Romney? Don't get me started on this Loser. The Loser to the Loser of the 2008 election was dusted off by the party hacks and sent back into the fray in 2012 where his weak and feckless debating skills were horribly exposed by Barack Hussein Obama. Loser of the 2012 election! Not only this but he is NOT A CONSERVATIVE. He wears the mantel of ROMNEY-CARE in MA for which is proud. Romney-Care was a temporary success because the federal government granted his state of MA hundreds of millions of dollars to keep it afloat on the backs of tax payers across all of America. Additionally, he is also a son of a rich politician. His wealth comes from leveraged buyouts of companies where he put people out of work during his time at BAIN Capital.
Jeb Bush? NOT A CONSERVATIVE. Jeb refused to have his last name in his campaign strategy and rightfully so because the Bush legacy is a disgrace to America and a disgrace to conservative values. Jeb says that our acceptance and support for people who are here illegally is an "Act of Love". To the contrary Jeb! The unconstitutional support of illegal immigration is an "Act of Hate" against those poor who are here in the country LEGALLY you moron. Your Common Core is a disaster. You and your family had to be smoking some heavy weed if you thought that America was ready for another Bush in the White House. Never Again Bush! I think we need a twitter feed #NeverBush!
John The House Crier Boehner? NOT A CONSERVATIVE. Despite being given unprecedented majorities in the House and Senate the Congressional leadership has failed to do anything for conservative values. The debt has exploded, omnibus budgets have passed, Obama has a free hand in TPP/TPA, Nuclear Deal with Iran, Energy Sector a disaster, massive regulations including the Internet piece........just too much to even post here.
Mitch The Capitulator McConnell? NOT A CONSERVATIVE (see same comments as John The House Crier above).
Paul Ryan? NOT A CONSERVATIVE. Not only is Paul Ryan not a conservative, he's a loser. He tied his political future to Mittens who crashed and burned in 2012. His policies toward Health Care and Social Security are not workable and he is just as responsible for the exploding debt and expanding government as the rest of his RINO brethren.
John Kasich has won 1 state and hasn't even come close in any other state contest. Where is he getting donations from to stay in this race? Who bets on a horse that consistently is bringing up the rear? I don't get it. In any case, John Kasich is not a conservative! This is a guy who greatly expanded Medicaid in his state of Ohio. John Kasich opposed "right to work" legislation in deference to powerful unions (sounds like a Democrat). Don't be fooled when a liar like Kasich says he is a conservative one minute and then talks about big government top down programs like Common Core, which has been a disaster. The most damaging and ludicrous statement he has made is that he is totally stoked that the Commie Chinese are building and owning manufacturing plants in Ohio! Really John? Commies? We have to rely on the Commies to get our jobs back? And where the hell was the mainstream media on this? Are they in the tank too? Note; Just this month the Communist Chinese purchased the Hotel del Coronado, a historical and beautiful hotel in the San Diego area, and they are buying billions of dollars worth of property and businesses across the USA with the trade surplus they are enjoying on the backs of their own slave labor!
We have an annual $500 BILLION deficit with the Communist Chinese. Does anyone actually think that the Chinese workers are benefiting from this trade surplus? Where is our moral compass? The Chinese workers who are providing Americans with cheap goods are being paid slave wages while their government devalues their currency. You can be assured that the only people benefiting in China are the Political Tyrants and their families in the Political Dictatorship. It is truly unbelievable how politicians on both sides of the aisle have sold American wealth and blood down the toilet for their own personal gain. Shame on every single one of you politicians! We should be giving favored trade status to countries that like us and who treat their own citizens with respect and dignity. That's what conservatism, liberty, and freedom is all about! JOHN KASICH REALLY PISSES ME OFF.
Ted The Disgrace Cruz. This guy has fought the GOP Establishment in Congress. You have to give him some credit there. However, once you take a deep dive into this guy you begin to scratch your head. He has some very strange personal relationships and an almost fanatical zeal for religion that goes beyond the restrictions in our Constitution. We do in fact have Freedom of Religion in the USA, however we accept all forms of religion and cannot and should not recognize any one over the other. Yes, I know, our nation was formed by people who were 99.9% Christian and Christianity is a part of our history and heritage. This should be celebrated, and is. However, one only needs to look into the $15,000,000 Donor to Keep the Promise I, Dan Wilks, in order to get a more clear picture of the real Ted Cruz. Dan Wilks buys politicians. He is a religious fanatic who wants the Bible and Christianity to be a government sponsored text book and mandatory curriculum in all public classrooms in America. That, my friends, is Unconstitutional. Let's not get into the dirty tricks that Ted has played on Ben Carson and Marco Rubio during the primary. Let's not talk about Cruz Super Pacs putting out ads in Utah with Trump's wife centerfold strictly for political gain! This guy will do anything and allow anything to be said in order to win. No, I cannot stand Lying Ted. Lying and Cheating Ted. Yep, the sexual scandals have hit the air waves. Turns out that Saint Ted is just as human as can be. You can talk about Trump's wives if you want to, go ahead. But from the looks of things he has his life straightened out and he has a great family!
This WND Cruz supporter sums up exactly why I am voting for Donald Trump in the CA primary (by the way I am going to join millions of others who are fleeing the land of fruits and nuts and will be moving to NV, probably before the General Election! So congratulate me on that!).
Lastly, this is my last GOP rodeo. Right after I cast my vote for Donald Trump in the CA primary I will be shredding my Republican Membership. I can no longer be party to the RINO globalist progressive agenda and the dirty money that these political elites are getting from Communist Countries and big business donors.