Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Election 2016 Update 02-SEP-2015 (SAME OLD RNC)

2015-2016 RNC - SAME AS THE 2011-2012 RNC?

The RNC, and the big donors that they represent are shaking in their boots as Americans are turning up their noses at RINOs like Jeb.  Jeb, too embarrassed to even use his own last name in his marketing marquee!

If you donate to the national RNC - STOP.  You should no longer donate to the national or local Republican Party because they only represent special interests.  You should donate directly to the campaign of your candidate only (Ron Paul, Ted Cruz, Carly Fiorina, Ben Carson).  If you desire to continue the mistakes of the past then vote for a RINO. If you want to see the destruction of the country then vote for a Democrat or that Independent self-avowed Socialist Sanders.  However, if you love America, the Republic and the Constitution you should vote for one of the above regardless of who wins the Republican Nomination.  It is my sincere hope that all conservatives will shred their GOP membership if the RNC pulls the same shenanigans that it did in 2012.

Just to refresh those who have forgotten, or to those who did not hear what the National RNC did to Ron Paul in 2012 at the convention.......(as provided by Alexander Snitker and Kristi Brown (Facebook) who was at the convention:

1. The RNC illegally removed duly elected Maine delegates and replaced them with Romney "scab" delegates.
2. Stole delegates from Louisiana, Oklahoma and Massachusetts because they would not vote Romney.
3. Indefinitely detained Ron Paul delegates on buses using armed guards to delay and prevent them from voting on rules in the convention.
4. Indefinitely detained Morton Blackwell on a bus preventing him from filing a minority report opposing new oppressive rule changes designed to marginalize Ron Paul.
5. Drove Virginia rules committee chairmen in circles around the convention center to prevent them from voting on rules thus allowing the RNC to vote in their stead.
6. Refused to acknowledge nomination papers from six states where a five state minimum was required
7. Changed RNC rules on the spot from five state minimum to eight state minimum when they realized Ron Paul would be nominated in order to ensure that Ron would not be able to challenge or oppose Mitt.
8. Denied Ron Paul a floor speech prior to the vote unless he first endorsed Romney.
9. Declared unbound Ron Paul supporters as bound votes for Romney
10. Boehner ignored clear opposition to the rules vote that would prevent a Maine delegation from being seated.
11. Turned off microphones in the Ron Paul delegate section to prevent "division" or "point of order" calls from being heard even after 10 minutes of booing in protest.
12. Seated Ron Paul delegates in the nose bleed section to prevent them from being heard BEHIND territory delegates.
13. Passed rules allowing the RNC committee to choose and approve delegates rather than the states.
14. Refused video equipment in the convention center to allow undocumented cheating.
15. Ron Paul delegates were not allowed to bring signs, but Romney supporters were.
16. Cut off microphones anytime delegates cheered for Ron Paul
17. Called out votes for Romney as Romney votes, but called out Ron Paul as "other".
18. When Ron Paul won the majority of delegates in Iowa ,Nevada and Minnesota, they only called out the few minority votes for Romney.

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