Donald J. Trump has reached the 1237 threshold. Ted Cruz and John Kasich have dropped out of the race. The party remains pretty fractured at this point. The Democrats are not in much better shape with Old Man Bernie splitting the Democratic vote and giving Hillary a good primary fight.
The electorate voted not once, but twice, for a President who declared his loyalty to Marxism in his own writings. Will 2016 be the year that the Silent Majority finally stands up and gets engaged in the mess that is Washington D.C. Party Politics? The future of the United States as a Constitutional Republic is at stake. The truth is that the States and the American people have ceded power to a cartel of Globalists in both Political Parties who stand for big government, open borders, and globalism. John Kasich loves those communist Chinese who are building power plants in Ohio. Jeb Bush loves big government Common Core and believes that open borders is an "act of love". Is this what the Republican Party now stands for? Sounds no different than the Democratic Platform. The truth is that the only difference between the Republican and Democratic Parties is their stance on abortion. A great example of Republican capitulation was the recent renewal of the Import/Export Bank, a program that allows companies a free pass to invest anywhere in the world without fear of losing - all backed by the U.S. tax payer!
For those of you who still believe that the Republican Party stands for small government, secure borders and a strong military - Think Again! Wrong! The Republican Party has been moving left since Daddy Bush uttered his infamous "Read My Lips" pledge. Eight years of Clinton and Baby Bush resulted in more big government control of various sectors of our economy (housing, investments, banks, and energy) all of which have had disastrous results. They both failed to monitor the impact of the Fair Housing Act on Sub-Prime Mortgages, and the market crash of 2007 and failure of Fannie of Freddie are all government caused disasters that could have and should have been avoided.
Baby Bush invaded Iraq when it was clear that high ranking Saudis were directly involved in funding the 9/11 terrorists. Baby was also responsible for the huge expansion of Medicare (closing the pharmaceutical donut hole). John McCain opposed tax cuts, he was no conservative either.
It was about 2006 when I finally realized that the Republican Party was no longer the party of Ronald Reagan who espoused that government be small. At this point I stopped donating to the Republican National Committee. In 2008, I supported Ron Paul over John McCain. There was absolutely no redeeming qualities in John McCain who also supported invading Iraq. In later years he has supported terrorists in Syria (ISIS) in their push to overthrow Assad. If you haven't figured it out yet, the NEOCONs remained firm and steadfast in their opposition to Russia and some strange desire to continue to the Cold War. Job Accomplished! Russia is aligned with Shiite Iran, and the United States, for whatever reason, is aligned with Sunni Saudi Arabia and other Sunni dictators. The government has made a huge mess out of the middle east. Turns out Ron Paul was 100% right.
In 2012, the Republicans championed another false conservative for the Presidency, Mittens Romney. Romney's claim to fame was the establishment of mandatory health care coverage (Ronmey-Care) in his home state of Massachusetts. Romney has never been a conservative. He should be ashamed of himself to characterize himself as one. Once again, in 2012, I supported Ron Paul's candidacy and the despised Establishment made moves to marginalize Ron Paul so as to keep him from even speaking at the Republican Convention. Romney had no redeeming qualities whatsoever. He was the Loser to the Loser of the 2008 election. It made absolutely no sense for the Republican Party to coronate this loser as their champion. Not only a loser of elections, but a man who made his wealth at Bain Capital where he obtained wealth through leveraged buyouts of companies and putting a lot of people out of work.
In 2014 the American People, so sick of Obama's tyranny and unconstitutional actions, gave the Republican Party unprecedented majorities in both the House and Senate. They squandered the mandate completely. John The House Crier and Mitch McConnell took on the role of Congressional Capitulators to Obama's agenda funding every single department, agency and unconstitutional executive order. Paul Ryan has continued John Boehner's legacy of capitulation. These men are traitors to the Republic and the Constitution.
On to 2016! The choices this year were clear, Rand Paul or Ted Cruz. Both outsiders, and both actively fought the Establishment. Both hated. However, only one of these two would be able to win in November ---- RAND PAUL! Ted Cruz? His Super Pac's were packed with religious right wing extremists. Dan Wilks, for example, a billionaire gave $15,000,000 to Cruz Super Pac Keep the Promise I. Who is Dan Wilks, and what is it that he and his fanatical friends want from politicians?
Loyalty and a commitment to establish Christianity as a curriculum in our public school system at tax payer expense with the Bible established as an official state sponsored text book. For this reason, Ted Cruz is, and was, UNELECTABLE.
Unfortunately for Rand Paul, Donald Trump is running for President in 2016. Trump is a phenomena and Rand Paul dropped out of the race after the first primary. He never had the war chest to fight. He would have had to be much higher in the polls and had a better showing in Iowa.
This brings us to the end of May 2016. Donald Trump has enough delegates to be nominated on the 1st ballot at the Republican Convention despite a very difficult primary election season where he secured more votes than any other candidate in Republican primary history. By all accounts he should defeat Hillary handily in November. Democrat turn out is down by 25% and Republican turn out is up by nearly 70% signaling a shift in the mood of the electorate in favor of the GOP. Trump has been hammered relentlessly by both the left and the right and yet is still standing tall.
It is said that Donald Trump is nothing more than a false conservative and actually a liberal Democrat. Yet, he has steadfastly stated that he will secure our borders, build a border wall, and uphold immigration law. For these things alone, unlike 2008 and 2012, I will be casting my vote for Donald Trump. Another major consideration is that the next President will be nominating at least 1, but possibly up to 4 Supreme Court justices. If Donald Trump is lying the country is doomed, if Hillary Clinton wins the country is doomed.
The choice is crystal clear. All American Patriots must stand firm and united on election day in support of Donald J. Trump. There will be time in the future to change and reshape the Republican Party back into that which was envisioned by the Founding Fathers. Rand Paul in 2020 or 2024!
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