Saturday, December 19, 2020

Election 2016 Nov 6th, Politics 301

     There are but 2 days left until America decides who will assume the mantle of power in Washington D.C..  I could focus on all of the current election news, but I thought that it might be more pertinent for readers to understand how I came to the conclusion to vote for Donald J. Trump for President.  Many of you, almost all actually, have been lifelong Democrats or Republicans and will blindly go to the polls and vote for more of the same.  On the other hand, I have witnessed an awakening in America.  The GOP Establishment has finally been exposed for what it truly is, a big government, globalist party that does not represent America's best interests but rather the interests of special interests that directly are opposed to America.  The DNC and the Clintons have been exposed as corrupt, crooked as well.  Both of these parties are in the tank for globalist special interests and they both have been taking kickbacks from countries that hate us.  The leadership in both of these parties are enriching themselves and making the Political Royal Ruling Class more powerful and wealthy as well as unaccountable to the very people who put them there.  Let's just review how I came to these conclusions.

1. Where oh where have the Blue Dog Democrats Gone?  JFK, who opposed the Cuban invasion, the Vietnam War and the Federal Reserve is buried in Arlington, the victim of an assassin. Was it a lone wolf, or would it be more plausible that JFK opposed the powerful special interest groups in the Political Royal Ruling Class?  In 2016, possibly the last Blue Dog Democrat alive, Jim Webb (D), was but a figure in the background of a party that has shifted to the far left, a party that has been taken over by global socialists and indeed communists who are intent on completing transforming America into an Oligarchy where We the People are ruled and no longer represented by our peers. I once was a Democrat myself.  Shocking!  I voted for Jimmy Carter in 1976. Not many know this but it was Jimmy Carter who proposed a universal health care plan during his presidency.  Carter's approach to the economy was direct government price controls.  His health care plan never passed. In 1973, during the Nixon Administration, the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) reduced supplies of oil available to the world market, in part because of deflation of the dollars they were receiving as a result of Nixon leaving the gold standard and in part as a reaction to America's sending of arms to Israel during the Yom Kippur War. This sparked the 1973 Oil Crisis and forced oil prices to rise sharply, spurring price inflation throughout the economy and slowing growth.  In 1977, Carter convinced the Democratic Congress to create the United States Department of Energy (DoE) with the goal of conserving energy. Carter set oil and natural gas price controls, had solar hot water panels installed on the roof of the White House, had a wood stove in his living quarters, ordered the General Services Administration to turn off hot water in some federal facilities, and requested that all Christmas light decorations remain dark in 1979 and 1980. Nationwide, controls were put on thermostats in government and commercial buildings to prevent people from raising heater temperatures in the winter above 65 °F (18 °C) or cooling in the summer below 78 degrees Fahrenheit (26 °C) through 1980.

The point? Government involvement in the private sector is extremely DESTRUCTIVE.  Price Controls will Always result in shortages of whatever product or service they are trying to control.  On the other hand, the opposite of price controls is the Affordable Care Act where the government mandates a 100% market for an industry.  Price controls always result in shortages and mandatory purchases or loans will always create an unsustainable bubble and they always burst.  This is why we are seeing unsustainable premium increases in the Affordable Care Act.

2. Ronald Reagan interrupts the goals of the Political Royals (Bush).  After 4 years of Carter the country was reeling. Inflation, the hostage crisis, foreign affairs a mess, a weakened military and a country depressed and in deep malaise set the stage for Ronald Reagan.  The Powers That Be in the Political Royal Ruling Class wanted George H.W. Bush, but the country was not buying it.  Reagan wasn't perfect, but he made most Americans feel good about the country and his winning smile and good heart was enough to put him in the White House for two terms. Reagan turned this nation around, he won the Cold War and made us all feel very good for 8 years (except for you socialists and communists). Above all else, Reagan wasn't a part of, was not a member of the Political Royal Ruling Class.  Leaders in both parties were nipping at heels and stabbing him in the back throughout his two terms in office. However, Reagan failed to see the dangers of open borders, illegal immigration and so-called free trade.  Reagan was the first to grant amnesty, did nothing to secure our borders and pushed for a free trade agreement. In hindsight, Reagan could not have known just how bad future Presidents would be with respect to these major issues. It turns out that free trade has never equated to fair trade. Making matters worse is that we are trading with countries who hate us and who manipulate their currency at our expense. Reagan also was never able to put the country on a course to economical health and stability despite his talk about smaller goverment.  

    On illegal immigration - Some estimate that 20 million or more immigrants have come to America across our southern border illegally in violation of federal law.  Personally, I do not blame people who are escaping from poverty and dictatorships in Central and South America. I actually admire those, many of whom walked here with just clothes on their backs, to find work in agriculture, landscaping and the construction industry. On the other hand, a large percentage of them are responsible for billions in so-called entitlements that are being spent who have not found work.  Our real estate taxes have sky rocketed due to the tens of millions of new students who have migrated to America, many of them who cannot speak English. On the other hand we have poor who sit in the ghettos of our inner cities asking for more and more entitlements and who refuse to migrate to areas of the country where the work is like those who have come here illegally. The country would be better served to seal our borders and put programs into place that provide training in agriculture, landscaping and construction along with relocation costs!  Securing the border makes sense, deporting the criminals and those who cannot find employment also makes sense.  However, I do not blame those who came here illegally.  I blame the politicians who refused to follow law and refused to do their jobs.  For this reason, I would be willing to accept amnesty on a case-by-case basis for some who have come here illegally, not all.

3. The Rise and Fall of the Bush Family.  The Bush Family, and the GOP Establishment that took power after the Reagan years was and still remains Republican In Name Only. This GOP Establishment was and still is for Big Government, Globalism and Socialist Solutions. The GOP Establishment is more like the Democratic Party than not.  The GOP Establishment differs from the Democratic Party basically on the issue of abortion alone and this fact remains true today.  In 1992, I became totally disgusted with the GOP after Daddy Bush reversed on his promise not to raise taxes. This gave rise to the Ross Perot movement and opened the door to 8 years of Bill Clinton. Abandoning the principles of Reagan and not learning the lessons of illegal immigration were major failures for Daddy Bush. Over the years, big government involvement in the private sector continued to create booms and busts. Eventually, the 

I was a Democrat once, way back in 1976.  I cast my first vote for Jimmy Carter as a young Navy Submariner.  Four years later brought Ronald Reagan and the entire nation (almost it seemed) was reenergized and once again proud to be an American.  President Reagan wasn't perfect, no human being can be.  He had his faults, but overall he projected good feelings to all of those who came into contact with his good heart and great smile.  Reagan wasn't a businessman, and wasn't part of the Political Royal Ruling Class.  He wasn't a political insider like George H.W. Bush who was supposed to be the GOP champion in 1980.  After Reagan, my beliefs and loyalty to the Republican Party began to wane very quickly under President George H.W. Bush.  He certainly was no Ronald Reagan.  The Bush Family views were opposite of Reagan's. Instead of seeing big government as the problem, the Bush Family was for big and bigger government. His decision to reverse course after his pledge not to raise taxes was an eye opener for me.  This decision alone was likely the reason why Ross Perot made such a huge difference in Bill Clinton's victory.  After 8 years of Clinton, I began to realize that there really wasn't much light between the Democrats and Republicans except on social issues like abortion and gay marriage.  Both parties backed NAFTA, both were in bed together on the CRA, and supported big government massive regulations over the private sector.  Then Baby Bush was elected in 2000.  Yes, I reluctantly case my vote for Baby Bush because Gore simply was Clinton's Court Jester.  I was proud of the way Baby Bush initially handled 911, but soon thereafter he lost me completely by invading Iraq instead of focusing on Afghanistan and indeed Saudi Arabia (who we now know largely was responsible for funding the 911 terrorists). The Iraq war made absolutely no sense.  Saddam Hussein had provided a buffer between Iran (Shiites) and Syria (Shiites) for decades. I began to put the puzzle together by stepping back and looking at all the players involved in the Middle East (Russia, Syria, Iraq, Iran, Turkey, Saudi Arabia and the other Sunni OPEC dictators, Yemen, Egypt, Libya, etc.).  This region has been ablaze in violence for several hundred years. What is interesting is that, if you do the research, the big issue is about oil and natural gas exports to Eastern and Western Europe! I used to laugh back in 2002 and 2003 when protestors were chanting "No War for Oil".  I, like many others, bought into the WMD/Saddam Evil story.  Now, even with these two being true, this conflict was and still is more about oil and gas exports than anything else.  By 2006, after coming to some of these conclusions I totally lost faith in the War Mongering False Conservatives within the Republican Party.  I almost left the party in 2006 but I remained a member and stopped paying dues to the RNC.  It was at this point that I began directly donating to outsiders like Ron Paul who I voted for in 2008 and 2012.  By 2014 I was totally disillusioned with the GOP Establishment.  They passed every single big budget deficit, enacted Sequestration instead of doing their jobs, and funded every single unconstitutional Obama Executive Order.  Even this World Bank is still in operation bleeding Americans dry! In 2016 I once again supported a Paul for President, Rand Paul. When he dropped out I supported Ben Carson until he dropped out. After that, I took a look at the bombastic outsider Trump.  Although I did not like him personally, his family could be a reflection of a better Donald that we do not see publicly.  Trump isn't a conservative and I am sure he doesn't totally understand the definition and meaning of the word republican. But, I could say the same exact thing about Bush, McCain, Romney, McConnell, Boehner, Ryan and the rest of the GOP Establishment.  So, now it is November 6th, 2016 and the nation is at a crossroads.  The USA is $20 Trillion in debt and has a trade deficit of $365 Billion annually.  These numbers alone should be a red alert alarm that we need to reverse course on big government. For those of you who believe in NAFTA and free trade I say this, "How many years will it take before the wealth of these United States is drained when we are sending it off to countries overseas, many of these countries that hate America (China)"?  If we are not producing anything then there is no balance whatsoever in this trade deal and we eventually are going to end up broke.  A nation has to earn its way, it cannot simply continue to borrow and it certainly cannot continue to spend.  I am not just talking about government borrowing, I am also talking about consumers buying products from countries overseas and wealth flowing out of the country.  You have to be an economic imbecile not to see the long term effects of this.  It is not sustainable and it is reckless.  What is worse is that we sit here and talk about how we are getting a great deal by buying things for less from a country like China, a communist dictatorship that uses slave labor to produce.  Does anyone really think that these massive deficits are helping Chinese workers, or is it more likely that these deficits are lining the pockets of the Chinese Oligarchy and funding their own military buildup for a future confrontation?  Wake up America. If we are going to trade with the world then let the world competition begin. Let's not give favored trade status to China.  Give it to a country like the Philippines or some other country that does not hate us and won't abuse its own people and workers.  Lastly, in June of this year my wife and I cast my vote in the California primary for Donald Trump. In July we relocated to the swing state of Las Vegas Nevada where we both cast our vote early for the Trump/Pence ticket.  Why? #1 Donald needs no Congressional action to secure the borders, uphold immigration law and VISA expirations. #2 He has provided a list of 20 justices to that he would choose from for the Supreme Court, #3 He has promised to repeal and replace ObamaCare (tough but it is going to collapse on its own anyway as it was designed to). #4 Tax and Regulatory Reform promises (even if he gets half of these done its a win). #5 Lastly, I believe that Trump loves this country. I have looked back at all of his past comments and videos and he has been fairly consistent in that he believes in fair trade and that he loves this country.  In 2010 I become a major supporter of Tim Cox's GOOOH! movement which was an effort to replace all 435 House members with true citizenship representation. I still believe that we need strict term limits in the House and at least half of the Senate.  I also believe that we should modify the electoral college so that areas within states own their own electoral vote instead of the big city districts themselves.  This was a very long post, I know, but hopefully at least one person will read it, enjoy it and get something out of it.