Friday, September 2, 2016

September Update

67 Days!

     We can choose to elect someone who has never held office or a candidate, Clinton, who has been part of the Royal Ruling Political Class for generations.  The choice, for me, is easy.  Not only will I be voting for Donald Trump, but I also am no longer a registered Republican.  I will never align myself with a political party in this country again.  I no longer believe that political parties are relevant.  Worse, they are dangerous to our liberty!  Both political parties have embraced policies that are in the interests of their special interest donors.  Both political parties are corrupt.

     The Clinton's take cash from just about anywhere.  Their so-called Charitable Foundation is nothing more than a cash laundering front.

     Republicans like Kasich are probably taking kick backs from nations like China in order for continued massive trade deficits that are draining our economy of cash and jobs.  Not a single so-called journalist was outraged when he mentioned how stoked he was about Communists building manufacturing plants in his home state of Ohio.  How much was he paid for that access?  How much did the Clinton Foundation get from countries like Saudi Arabia and China?  We know that the Muslim Brotherhood has infiltrated all levels of our federal government.  China is buying up real estate and businesses all across our country.

     In the meanwhile, tens of millions of people have poured across our southern border in search for a better life or to do mischief.  These migrants come here with nothing and sometimes live in cardboard boxes in order to do work in agriculture, landscaping and construction.  If these people are willing to relocate illegally then why won't the poor in our ghettos get off their butts and migrate to where the work is?  The answer?  Our federal government welfare, food stamps and other programs keep them in place and voting for more hand outs!  

     Our federal government is led by 536 Political Royals who are owned by Special Interests, both foreign and domestic.  Only about 5% of these politicians are true lovers of liberty and the Constitution.  Making matters worse is that, at the state level, the governors and leaders are also either Republican or Democrat.  

     These two political parties are destroying this nation in every possible way.  Every single federal government department and agency has been used to attack our economy and harm it's citizens.  For example, anyone thinking of starting a business here must hire dozens of labor, environment and tax lawyers and consultants in order to ensure they are not violating some regulation or law.  It's no wonder our economy is crashing and that 63% of Americans are out of work!

     On the other hand, liberals whine about the case for $15, but complain about Trump's call for common sense and fair trade.  The liberals could care less that the Chinese Communists pay their workers slave wages so that we can enjoy the cheap products that they provide here in America.  What hypocrites!  Nearly $800 billion in trade deficits that mostly go to the Chinese Political Oligarchy for their families and to help build up their military!  $800 Billion in trade deficits that you can bet is being used to buy politicians on both sides of the aisle!  $800 billion that is being used to buy up American real estate, like the historic Hotel del Coronado in San Diego (look it up).

     I started to question the Republican Party way back when Daddy Bush issued his infamous "no new taxes" pledge.  Our federal government politicians are largely responsible for the cyclical market crashes, the housing crash,  and the collapse of the auto industry.  It is way past time for us to take back our country from the Political Ruling Royals!

     Lastly, Kristian Saucier, an ex-Navy submariner was recently placed in prison for having classified photographs he took on board the submarine.  He went to prison for destroying his electronic devices.  Yet Hillary Clinton is going to be held to a different standard under the law.  This is just more evidence of just how corrupt, how indifferent and how separated both parties have become from We the People.

     If not now, when?  If not now, probably never.  Start voting these corrupt Political Royals out of office.  I am starting by voting for Donald Trump this November.

1 comment:

  1. Good Blog. I agree, China is buying us up and top republicans are in on it.
